velos 0 Опубликовано 10 августа, 2016 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 10 августа, 2016 Добрый день! Подскажите пожалуйста, как исключить применение скидочного промокода на товар со скидкой? необходимо реализовать, что бы промокод действовал только на товар без скидки Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
support 447 Опубликовано 11 августа, 2016 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 11 августа, 2016 Здравствуйте! В коде таких условий нет, т.е. по умолчанию - никак. Только добавлять условие какое-то в /includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
KoVaLsKy 59 Опубликовано 13 августа, 2016 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 13 августа, 2016 делаем на ниличие товара в скидках, а потом добавляем условие if (vam_db_num_rows($sproduct_query,true) <1){.....} Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MIL2 1 Опубликовано 13 августа, 2016 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 13 августа, 2016 Попробуйте поменять порядок сортировки модулей итого .../admin/modules.php?set=ordertotal Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
velos 0 Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2016 Автор Жалоба Share Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2016 В 13.08.2016 at 14:11, KoVaLsKy сказал: делаем на ниличие товара в скидках, а потом добавляем условие if (vam_db_num_rows($sproduct_query,true) <1){.....} Добрый день Не совсем понял, что нужно сделать. Опишите поподробнее, пожалуйста Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
KoVaLsKy 59 Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2016 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2016 17 минуту назад, velos сказал: Добрый день Не совсем понял, что нужно сделать. Опишите поподробнее, пожалуйста в модуле ot_cupot в месте где идет просчет новой цены у товара добавьте sql запрос на наличие у товара скидки 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Елена Каткова 0 Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2018 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2018 В 20.09.2016 в 16:11, KoVaLsKy сказал: в модуле ot_cupot в месте где идет просчет новой цены у товара добавьте sql запрос на наличие у товара скидки Здравствуйте, Алексей. А можно чуть подробнее, где этот блок кода в /ot_coupon.php? Благодарю за ответ! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
KoVaLsKy 59 Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2018 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2018 21 час назад, Елена Каткова сказал: Здравствуйте, Алексей. А можно чуть подробнее, где этот блок кода в /ot_coupon.php? Благодарю за ответ! ищите if ($max_sale == '0.0000') { $pod_amount = 0; } if ($max_sale > $c_deduct) { $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; $od_amount = $od_amount + $pod_amount; } if ($max_sale <= $c_deduct && $max_sale != '0.0000') { $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$max_sale/100; $od_amount = $od_amount + $pod_amount; } Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Елена Каткова 0 Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2018 Жалоба Share Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2018 Не нахожу такой части кода в ot_coupon.php Вот что есть: class ot_coupon { var $title, $output; function __construct() { global $vamPrice; $this->code = 'ot_coupon'; $this->header = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_HEADER; $this->title = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_TITLE; $this->description = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_DESCRIPTION; $this->user_prompt = ''; $this->enabled = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS; $this->sort_order = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_SORT_ORDER; $this->include_shipping = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_SHIPPING; $this->include_tax = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_TAX; $this->calculate_tax = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_CALC_TAX; $this->tax_class = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_TAX_CLASS; $this->credit_class = true; $this->output = array (); } function process() { global $order, $vamPrice; $order_total = $this->get_order_total(); $od_amount = $this->calculate_credit($order_total); $tod_amount = 0.0; //Fred $this->deduction = $od_amount; if ($this->calculate_tax != 'None') { //Fred - changed from 'none' to 'None'! $tod_amount = $this->calculate_tax_deduction($order_total, $this->deduction, $this->calculate_tax); } if ($od_amount > 0) { $order->info['total'] = $order->info['total'] - $od_amount; $order->info['deduction'] = $od_amount; $this->output[] = array ('title' => $this->title.': '.$this->coupon_code.':', 'text' => '<b><font color="ff0000">-'.$vamPrice->Format($od_amount, true).'</font></b>', 'value' => $od_amount); //Fred added hyphen } } function selection_test() { return false; } function pre_confirmation_check($order_total) { return $this->calculate_credit($order_total); } function use_credit_amount() { return $output_string; } function credit_selection() { /* $selection_string = ''; $selection_string .= '<tr>' . "\n"; $selection_string .= ' <td width="10">' . vam_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1') .'</td>'; $selection_string .= ' <td nowrap class="main">' . "\n"; $selection_string .= TEXT_ENTER_COUPON_CODE . '</td>'; $selection_string .= ' <td align="right">'. vam_draw_input_field('gv_redeem_code').'</td>'; $selection_string .= ' <td width="10">' . vam_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1') . '</td>'; $selection_string .= '</tr>' . "\n"; */ return false; } function collect_posts() { global $vamPrice; if ($_POST['gv_redeem_code']) { // get some info from the coupon table $coupon_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_id, coupon_amount, coupon_type, coupon_minimum_order,uses_per_coupon, uses_per_user, restrict_to_products,restrict_to_categories from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_code='".$_POST['gv_redeem_code']."' and coupon_active='Y'"); $coupon_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_query); // SS ? if ($coupon_result['coupon_type'] != 'G') { if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_query) == 0) { vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_NO_INVALID_REDEEM_COUPON), 'SSL')); } $date_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_start_date from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_start_date <= now() and coupon_code='".$_POST['gv_redeem_code']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($date_query) == 0) { vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_INVALID_STARTDATE_COUPON), 'SSL')); } $date_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_expire_date from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_expire_date >= now() and coupon_code='".$_POST['gv_redeem_code']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($date_query) == 0) { vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_INVALID_FINISDATE_COUPON), 'SSL')); } $coupon_count = vam_db_query("select coupon_id from ".TABLE_COUPON_REDEEM_TRACK." where coupon_id = '".$coupon_result['coupon_id']."'"); $coupon_count_customer = vam_db_query("select coupon_id from ".TABLE_COUPON_REDEEM_TRACK." where coupon_id = '".$coupon_result['coupon_id']."' and customer_id = '".$_SESSION['customer_id']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_count) >= $coupon_result['uses_per_coupon'] && $coupon_result['uses_per_coupon'] > 0) { vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_INVALID_USES_COUPON.$coupon_result['uses_per_coupon'].TIMES), 'SSL')); } if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_count_customer) >= $coupon_result['uses_per_user'] && $coupon_result['uses_per_user'] > 0) { vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_INVALID_USES_USER_COUPON.$coupon_result['uses_per_user'].TIMES), 'SSL')); } if ($coupon_result['coupon_type'] == 'S') { $coupon_amount = $order->info['shipping_cost']; } else { $coupon_amount = $vamPrice->Format($coupon_result['coupon_amount'], true).' '; } if ($coupon_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') $coupon_amount = $coupon_result['coupon_amount'].'% '; if ($coupon_result['coupon_minimum_order'] > 0) $coupon_amount .= 'on orders greater than '.$coupon_result['coupon_minimum_order']; $_SESSION['cc_id'] = $coupon_result['coupon_id']; //Fred ADDED, set the global and session variable } if ($_POST['submit_redeem_coupon_x'] && !$_POST['gv_redeem_code']) vam_redirect(vam_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message='.urlencode(ERROR_NO_REDEEM_CODE), 'SSL')); } } function calculate_credit($amount) { global $order, $vamPrice; $od_amount = 0; if (isset ($_SESSION['cc_id'])) { $coupon_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_code from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_id = '".$_SESSION['cc_id']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_query) != 0) { $coupon_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_query); $this->coupon_code = $coupon_result['coupon_code']; $coupon_get = vam_db_query("select coupon_amount, coupon_minimum_order, restrict_to_products, restrict_to_categories, coupon_type from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_code = '".$coupon_result['coupon_code']."'"); $get_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_get); $c_deduct = $vamPrice->CalculateCurr($get_result['coupon_amount']); if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'S') $c_deduct = $order->info['shipping_cost']; if ($get_result['coupon_type']=='S' && $get_result['coupon_amount'] > 0 ) $c_deduct = $order->info['shipping_cost'] + $get_result['coupon_amount']; if ($get_result['coupon_minimum_order'] <= $this->get_order_total()) { if ($get_result['restrict_to_products'] || $get_result['restrict_to_categories']) { for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($order->products); $i++) { if ($get_result['restrict_to_products']) { $pr_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_products']); for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($pr_ids); $ii++) { if ($pr_ids[$ii] == vam_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id'])) { if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') { /* Fixes to Gift Voucher module 5.03 ================================= Submitted by Rob Cote, original code: $od_amount = round($amount*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; $pr_c = $order->products[$i]['final_price']*$order->products[$i]['qty']; $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; */ //$pr_c = $order->products[$i]['final_price']*$order->products[$i]['qty']; $pr_c = $this->product_price($pr_ids[$ii]); //Fred 2003-10-28, fix for the row above, otherwise the discount is calc based on price excl VAT! $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; $od_amount = $od_amount + $pod_amount; } else { $od_amount = $c_deduct; } } } } else { $cat_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_categories']); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($order->products); $i++) { $my_path = vam_get_product_path(vam_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id'])); $sub_cat_ids = preg_split("/[_]/", $my_path); for ($iii = 0; $iii < count($sub_cat_ids); $iii++) { for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($cat_ids); $ii++) { if ($sub_cat_ids[$iii] == $cat_ids[$ii]) { if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') { /* Category Restriction Fix to Gift Voucher module 5.04 Date: August 3, 2003 ================================= Nick Stanko of, original code: $od_amount = round($amount*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; $pr_c = $order->products[$i]['final_price']*$order->products[$i]['qty']; $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; */ //$od_amount = round($amount*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; //$pr_c = $order->products[$i]['final_price']*$order->products[$i]['qty']; $pr_c = $this->product_price(vam_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id'])); //Fred 2003-10-28, fix for the row above, otherwise the discount is calc based on price excl VAT! $pod_amount = round($pr_c*10)/10*$c_deduct/100; $od_amount = $od_amount + $pod_amount; } else { $od_amount = $c_deduct; } } } } } } } } else { if ($get_result['coupon_type'] != 'P') { $od_amount = $c_deduct; } else { $od_amount = $amount * $get_result['coupon_amount'] / 100; } } } } if ($od_amount > $amount) $od_amount = $amount; } return $od_amount; } function calculate_tax_deduction($amount, $od_amount, $method) { global $order; $coupon_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_code from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_id = '".$_SESSION['cc_id']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_query) != 0) { $coupon_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_query); $coupon_get = vam_db_query("select coupon_amount, coupon_minimum_order, restrict_to_products, restrict_to_categories, coupon_type from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_code = '".$coupon_result['coupon_code']."'"); $get_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_get); if ($get_result['coupon_type'] != 'S') { //RESTRICTION-------------------------------- if ($get_result['restrict_to_products'] || $get_result['restrict_to_categories']) { // What to do here. // Loop through all products and build a list of all product_ids, price, tax class // at the same time create total net amount. // then // for percentage discounts. simply reduce tax group per product by discount percentage // or // for fixed payment amount // calculate ratio based on total net // for each product reduce tax group per product by ratio amount. $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products(); $valid_product = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($products); $i ++) { $valid_product = false; $t_prid = vam_get_prid($products[$i]['id']); $cc_query = vam_db_query("select products_tax_class_id from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".$t_prid."'"); $cc_result = vam_db_fetch_array($cc_query); if ($get_result['restrict_to_products']) { $pr_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_products']); for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($pr_ids); $p ++) { if ($pr_ids[$p] == $t_prid) $valid_product = true; } } if ($get_result['restrict_to_categories']) { // v5.13a Tanaka 2005-4-30: New code, this correctly identifies valid products in subcategories $cat_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_categories']); $my_path = vam_get_product_path($t_prid); $sub_cat_ids = preg_split("/[_]/", $my_path); for ($iii = 0; $iii < count($sub_cat_ids); $iii++) { for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($cat_ids); $ii++) { if ($sub_cat_ids[$iii] == $cat_ids[$ii]) { $valid_product = true; continue 2; } } } } if ($valid_product) { $price_excl_vat = $products[$i]['final_price'] * $products[$i]['quantity']; $price_incl_vat = $this->product_price($t_prid); $valid_array[] = array ('product_id' => $t_prid, 'products_price' => $price_excl_vat, 'products_tax_class' => $cc_result['products_tax_class_id']); $total_price += $price_excl_vat; } } if (sizeof($valid_array) > 0) { // if ($valid_product) { if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') { $ratio = $get_result['coupon_amount'] / 100; } else { $ratio = $od_amount / $total_price; } if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'S') $ratio = 1; if ($method == 'Credit Note') { $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') { $tod_amount = $od_amount / (100 + $tax_rate) * $tax_rate; } else { $tod_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] * $od_amount / 100; } $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] -= $tod_amount; $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount; $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount; } else { for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($valid_array); $p ++) { $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($valid_array[$p]['products_tax_class'], $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($valid_array[$p]['products_tax_class'], $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); if ($tax_rate > 0) { $tod_amount = ($valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate) / 100 * $ratio; $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] -= ($valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate) / 100 * $ratio; $order->info['total'] -= ($valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate) / 100 * $ratio; $order->info['tax'] -= ($valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate) / 100 * $ratio; } } } } //NO RESTRICTION-------------------------------- } else { if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'F') { $tod_amount = 0; if ($method == 'Credit Note') { $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); $tod_amount = $od_amount / (100 + $tax_rate) * $tax_rate; $order->info['tax_groups'][TAX_ADD_TAX.$tax_desc] -= $tod_amount; } else { foreach ($order->info['tax_groups'] as $key => $value) { $ratio1 = $od_amount / ($amount - $order->info['tax_groups'][$key]); $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate_from_desc( str_replace(TAX_ADD_TAX, "", $key) ); $net = $tax_rate * $order->info['tax_groups'][$key]; if ($net > 0) { $god_amount = $od_amount * $tax_rate / (100 + $tax_rate); $tod_amount += $god_amount; $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] -= $god_amount; } } } $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount; $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount; } if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') { $tod_amount = 0; if ($method == 'Credit Note') { $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); $tod_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] * $od_amount / 100; $order->info['tax_groups'][TAX_ADD_TAX.$tax_desc] -= $tod_amount; } else { foreach ($order->info['tax_groups'] as $key => $value) { $god_amout = 0; $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate_from_desc( str_replace(TAX_ADD_TAX, "", $key) ); $net = $tax_rate * $order->info['tax_groups'][$key]; if ($net > 0) { $god_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] * $get_result['coupon_amount'] / 100; $tod_amount += $god_amount; $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] - $god_amount; } } } $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount; } } } } return $tod_amount; } function update_credit_account($i) { return false; } function apply_credit() { global $insert_id, $REMOTE_ADDR; if ($this->deduction != 0) { vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_COUPON_REDEEM_TRACK." (coupon_id, redeem_date, redeem_ip, customer_id, order_id) values ('".$_SESSION['cc_id']."', now(), '".$REMOTE_ADDR."', '".$_SESSION['customer_id']."', '".$insert_id."')"); } unset ($_SESSION['cc_id']); } function get_order_total() { global $order, $vamPrice; $order_total = $order->info['total']; // Check if gift voucher is in cart and adjust total $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($products); $i ++) { $t_prid = vam_get_prid($products[$i]['id']); $gv_query = vam_db_query("select products_price, products_tax_class_id, products_model from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id = '".$t_prid."'"); $gv_result = vam_db_fetch_array($gv_query); if (preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($gv_result['products_model']))) { $qty = $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity($t_prid); $products_tax = $vamPrice->TAX[$gv_result['products_tax_class_id']]; if ($this->include_tax == 'false') { $gv_amount = $gv_result['products_price'] * $qty; } else { $gv_amount = ($gv_result['products_price'] + $vamPrice->calcTax($gv_result['products_price'], $products_tax)) * $qty; } $order_total = $order_total - $gv_amount; } } if ($this->include_tax == 'false') $order_total = $order_total - $order->info['tax']; if ($this->include_shipping == 'false') $order_total = $order_total - $order->info['shipping_cost']; // OK thats fine for global coupons but what about restricted coupons // where you can only redeem against certain products/categories. // and I though this was going to be easy !!! $coupon_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_code from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_id='".$_SESSION['cc_id']."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_query) != 0) { $coupon_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_query); $coupon_get = vam_db_query("select coupon_amount, coupon_minimum_order,restrict_to_products,restrict_to_categories, coupon_type from ".TABLE_COUPONS." where coupon_code='".$coupon_result['coupon_code']."'"); $get_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_get); $in_cat = true; if ($get_result['restrict_to_categories']) { $cat_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_categories']); $in_cat = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cat_ids); $i ++) { if (is_array($this->contents)) { reset($this->contents); foreach (array_keys($this->contents) as $products_id) { $cat_query = vam_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where products_id = '".$products_id."' and categories_id = '".$cat_ids[$i]."'"); if (vam_db_num_rows($cat_query) != 0) { $in_cat = true; $total_price += $this->get_product_price($products_id); } } } } } $in_cart = true; if ($get_result['restrict_to_products']) { $pr_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_products']); $in_cart = false; $products_array = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($pr_ids); $i ++) { for ($ii = 1; $ii <= sizeof($products_array); $ii ++) { if (vam_get_prid($products_array[$ii -1]['id']) == $pr_ids[$i]) { $in_cart = true; $total_price += $this->get_product_price($products_array[$ii -1]['id']); } } } $order_total = $total_price; } } return $order_total; } function get_product_price($product_id) { global $order,$vamPrice; $products_id = vam_get_prid($product_id); // products price $qty = $_SESSION['cart']->contents[$products_id]['qty']; if (!isset($qty)){ $qty = 1; } $product_query = vam_db_query("select products_id, products_price, products_tax_class_id, products_weight from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." where products_id='".$product_id."'"); if ($product = vam_db_fetch_array($product_query)) { $prid = $product['products_id']; if ($this->include_tax == 'true') { $total_price += $qty * $vamPrice->GetPrice($product['products_id'], $format = false, 1, $product['products_tax_class_id'], $product['products_price'], 1); $_SESSION['total_price']=$total_price; } else { $total_price += $qty * $vamPrice->GetPrice($product['products_id'], $format = false, 1, 0, $product['products_price'], 1); } // attributes price if (isset ($_SESSION['cart']->contents[$product_id]['attributes'])) { reset($_SESSION['cart']->contents[$product_id]['attributes']); foreach ($_SESSION['cart']->contents[$product_id]['attributes'] as $option => $value) { $attribute_price_query = vam_db_query("select options_values_price, price_prefix from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES." where products_id = '".$prid."' and options_id = '".$option."' and options_values_id = '".$value."'"); $attribute_price = vam_db_fetch_array($attribute_price_query); if ($attribute_price['price_prefix'] == '+') { if ($this->include_tax == 'true') { $total_price += $qty * ($attribute_price['options_values_price'] + vam_calculate_tax($attribute_price['options_values_price'], $products_tax)); } else { $total_price += $qty * ($attribute_price['options_values_price']); } } else { if ($this->include_tax == 'true') { $total_price -= $qty * ($attribute_price['options_values_price'] + vam_calculate_tax($attribute_price['options_values_price'], $products_tax)); } else { $total_price -= $qty * ($attribute_price['options_values_price']); } } } } } if ($this->include_shipping == 'true') { $total_price += $order->info['shipping_cost']; } return $total_price; } function product_price($product_id) { $total_price = $this->get_product_price($product_id); if ($this->include_shipping == 'true') $total_price -= $order->info['shipping_cost']; return $total_price; } function check() { if (!isset ($this->check)) { $check_query = vam_db_query("select configuration_value from ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." where configuration_key = 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS'"); $this->check = vam_db_num_rows($check_query); } return $this->check; } function keys() { return array ('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_SORT_ORDER', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_SHIPPING', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_TAX', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_CALC_TAX', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_TAX_CLASS'); } function install() { vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS', 'true', '6', '1','vam_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now())"); vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_SORT_ORDER', '70', '6', '2', now())"); vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function ,date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_SHIPPING', 'true', '6', '5', 'vam_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now())"); vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function ,date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_INC_TAX', 'true', '6', '6','vam_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now())"); vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function ,date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_CALC_TAX', 'None', '6', '7','vam_cfg_select_option(array(\'None\', \'Standard\', \'Credit Note\'), ', now())"); vam_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." (configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_TAX_CLASS', '0', '6', '0', 'vam_get_tax_class_title', 'vam_cfg_pull_down_tax_classes(', now())"); } function remove() { $keys = ''; $keys_array = $this->keys(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keys_array); $i ++) { $keys .= "'".$keys_array[$i]."',"; } $keys = substr($keys, 0, -1); vam_db_query("delete from ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." where configuration_key in (".$keys.")"); } } Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
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