support 447 Posted February 22, 2021 Report Share Posted February 22, 2021 /includes/configure.php define('MINIFY_CSS', false); define('MINIFY_JS', false); /vendor/Bender/Bender.class.php <?php /** * @author Alex Raven * @company ESITEQ * @website * @email bugrov at * @created 29.10.2013 * @version 0.2 * improved by Rolland (rolland at */ class Bender { // CSS minifier public $cssmin = "cssmin"; // JS minifier, can be "packer" or "jshrink" public $jsmin = "jshrink"; // Packed file time to live in sec (-1 = never recompile, 0 = always recompile, default: 3600) public $ttl = -1; // Project's root dir public $root_dir; // Constructor private $version_key = 'v'; private $minifyCss = MINIFY_CSS; private $minifyJs = MINIFY_JS; public function __construct() { $this->root_dir = DIR_FS_CATALOG; } // Enqueue CSS or Javascript public function enqueue( $src ) { //$src = ltrim( $src, '/' ); //$src = preg_replace('/'.ltrim(DIR_WS_CATALOG,'/').'/','',$src,1); global $_javascripts, $_stylesheets; if ( !is_array( $src ) ) { $src = array( $src ); } foreach ( $src as $s ) { switch ( $this->get_ext( $s ) ) { case "css": $_stylesheets[] = $s; break; case "js": $_javascripts[] = $s; break; } } } // Minify CSS / Javascripts and write output protected function minify( $scripts, $ext, $output ) { $path = $this->root_dir(); //$output = preg_replace('/'.ltrim(DIR_WS_CATALOG,'/').'/','',$output,1); //$output = str_replace('/',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$output); $outfile = $path.$output; if ( file_exists( $outfile ) ) { if ( $this->ttl == -1 ) { // never recompile return true; } $fileage = time() - filemtime( $outfile ); if ( $fileage < $this->ttl ) { return true; } } $str = $this->join_files( $scripts ); switch ( $ext ) { case "css": switch ( $this->cssmin ) { case "cssmin": require_once realpath( dirname( __file__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cssmin.php" ); $compressor = new CSSmin(); $compressor->set_memory_limit('256M'); $compressor->set_max_execution_time(120); $packed = $compressor->run($str); break; default: $packed = $str; } break; case "js": switch ( $this->jsmin ) { case "packer": require_once realpath( dirname( __file__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class.JavaScriptPacker.php"; $packer = new JavaScriptPacker( $str, "Normal", true, false ); $packed = $packer->pack(); break; case "jshrink": require_once realpath( dirname( __file__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "JShrink.class.php"; $packed = Minifier::minify( $str ); break; case "jsmin": require_once realpath( dirname( __file__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "jsminplus.php"; $packed = JSMinPlus::minify( $str ); break; default: $packed = $str; } break; } file_put_contents( $outfile, $packed ); } // Print output for CSS or Javascript public function output( $output ) { //$output = ltrim( $output, './' ); global $_javascripts, $_stylesheets; switch ( $this->get_ext( $output ) ) { case "css": if($this->minifyCss){ $this->check_recombine( $output, $_stylesheets ); $this->minify( $_stylesheets, "css", $output ); return '<link href="' . $this->get_src( $output ) . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'; }else{ $styleStr = ''; foreach ($_stylesheets as $key => $value) { $styleStr .= '<link href="' . $value . '?v='.time().'" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'; } return $styleStr; } //return '<script id="loadcss">function loadCSS(e,n,o,t){"use strict";var d=window.document.createElement("link"),i=n||window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=window.document.styleSheets;return d.rel="stylesheet",d.href=e,"only x",t&&(d.onload=t),i.parentNode.insertBefore(d,i),d.onloadcssdefined=function(e){for(var n,o=0;o<r.length;o++)r[o].href&&r[o].href===d.href&&(n=!0);n?e():setTimeout(function(){d.onloadcssdefined(e)})},d.onloadcssdefined(function(){||"all"}),d}loadCSS("' . $this->get_src( $output ) . '", document.getElementById("loadcss"));</script><noscript><link href="' . $this->get_src($output) . '" rel="stylesheet"></noscript>'; break; case "js": if($this->minifyJs){ $this->check_recombine( $output, $_javascripts ); $this->minify( $_javascripts, "js", $output ); return '<script src="' . $this->get_src($output) . '"></script>'; }else{ $scriptStr = ''; foreach ($_javascripts as $key => $value) { $scriptStr .= '<script src="' . $value . '?v='.time().'"></script>'; } return $scriptStr; } //return '<script>function loadJS(e,t){"use strict";var n=window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o=window.document.createElement("script");return o.src=e,o.async=!0,n.parentNode.insertBefore(o,n),t&&"function"==typeof t&&(o.onload=t),o}loadJS("' . $this->get_src($output) . '");</script>'; break; } } // Get root dir protected function root_dir() { return $this->root_dir; } // Join array of files into a string protected function join_files( $files ) { $path = $this->root_dir(); if ( !is_array( $files ) ) { return ""; } $c = ""; foreach ( $files as $file ) { $c .= file_get_contents( "{$path}/{$file}" ); } return $c; } // Get extension in lowercase protected function get_ext( $src ) { return strtolower( pathinfo( $src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); } /** * Gheck if need to recombine output file */ protected function check_recombine( $output, $files ) { $path = $this->root_dir(); //$output = preg_replace('/'.ltrim(DIR_WS_CATALOG,'/').'/','',$output,1); //$output = str_replace('/',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$output); $outfile = $path.$output; if ( !file_exists( $outfile ) || !is_array( $files ) ) { return; } // find last modify time of src $last = 0; foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( ( $_time = filemtime( $path . $file ) ) > $last ) $last = $_time; } if ( filemtime( $outfile ) < $last ) { // need to be recombined $this->ttl = 0; } else { $this->ttl = -1; } } /** * returns src for resource due to filemtime */ protected function get_src( $output ) { $path = $this->root_dir(); //return '/' . $output ; return $output ; } } ?> Соответственно, потом в проде делаем define('MINIFY_CSS', true); define('MINIFY_JS', true); Link to post Share on other sites
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